Roads and streets paving, striping and sealcoating projects by Moseley Bros. Asphalt in Anderson, SC & Greenville, SC as well as surrounding areas.

Kappa Street in Clemson, SC

We utilize thermoplastic striping.

Moseley Bros Asphalt was contacted for a intersection improvement on Kappa Street in Clemson, South Carolina. Moseley Bros was able to upgrade the street with thermoplastic striping, resulting in a clear and easy to use intersection.

McDuffie Street

We pave city streets.

McDuffie Street is one of the central streets for access to Downtown Anderson and it was in bad shape after many years of wear. Moseley Bros Asphalt was contracted to mill and replace the asphalt on McDuffie Street to help ease the flow of traffic and improve the area. This pictures show a ‘before’ and ‘after’ of McDuffie Street.

Mill Street

We pave city streets.

In downtown Ware Shoals, SC, Moseley Bros. Asphalt was contracted to replace the aging and damaged pavement on Mill Street.  The team started by milling three inches of old pavement off the roadway. Next, they repaved the street surface with new asphalt and added new striping for parking. The result is a fresh new look plus safer driving conditions for traffic in the heart of town.